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Interactive: [in-ter-ak-tiv] - acting one upon or with the other.

Communication is the basic example of interactivity which is a profound human activity, and one that has been a driving force in technology. It started in 1845 with Telegraph (one way, push), and then came fixed line Telephone in 1875, followed by Radio and Television. It took approximately 100 years to achieve the 1 Billion-telephone user mark and with the arrival of the mobile phone in the early 1990’s, it was estimated that it will take around 15 years to achieve the same number, however, the Number exceed by 1.5 Billion which now stands at well above 6 Billion today.

Smart Mobile devices are having a significant impact on our lives nowadays, and in fact they are redefining the way we access information and communicate with others. We at Interactive World, strongly believe that these devices will soon prove to be a tool not only for communication and to access information but as a Tool of Convergence for all the Technologies and Communication methods available today and may be available in the foreseeable future.

We at Interactive World, therefore, not only use the conventional tools in designing a solution for our customer, but have a special focus on the new tools of convergence, be it the Application Development for Mobile Devices, Social Media Applications or Internet - we provide complete and innovative solutions to our customers.

Launched in early 2012, Interactive World is a creative and professional media and communications company providing effective solutions with innovative ideas. Our Team consists of well experienced Media and Application Development Professionals.

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